Len's Island - Tool Guide

Len’s Island delivered its biggest update to date on September 10th, 2023. The Cursed Underworld update brought armor, enchantments, and Cursed Dungeons. In addition to a bulk of new content, the weapons and tools systems were revamped drastically. This Essential Tool Guide is dedicated to showing you exactly how to acquire every single tool in the game as of the September update.

If you prefer video format to text, check out my Youtube guide right here!

LEN’s Island – Your Essential Tool Guide

Tool Classes

Len’s Island – Cursed Underworld now has a total of 7 different tool classes,

Upgrade Tools

Each of the weapon classes have multiple quality versions. These versions can be upgraded from Basic to Iron to Hardened Steel to Titanium.

To upgrade the quality of each weapon you must first build an Anvil and upgrade the weapon with the required materials.

Demonstrate how to upgrade tools in Len's Island
Upgrade the Farmer's Watering Can to the Big Bucket
Farmer’s Watering Can to Big Bucket
Demonstrate how to upgrade tools in Len's Island
Upgrade the Basic Watering can to the Farmer's Watering can
Basic Watering Can to Farmer’s Watering Can

Obtaining Each Tool On Len’s Island


Each higher quality of axe increases the speed in which you can chop trees and increases the quality of tree you can chop down. The highest quality of axe is the Titanium Axe.

Providing an example of the axe tool class in Len's Island

The Titanium Axe
  • Makeshift Hatchet: Granted to the player at the start of the game.
  • Iron Axe: Upgrade the makeshift hatchet at the Anvil with:
    • 12x Wood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 3x Iron Shards
  • Hardened Steel Axe: Upgrade the iron axe at the Anvil with:
    • 20x Wood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 3x Hardened Steel
  • Titanium Axe: Upgrade the hardened steel axe at the anvil with:
    • 20x Hardwood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 3x Titanium


Each higher quality pickaxe increases the speed in which you can mine ores and increases the quality of ore you can mine. The highest quality of pickaxe is the Titanium Pickaxe.

Providing an example of the pickaxe tool class in Len's Island

The Titanium Pickaxe
  • Makeshift Pickaxe: Granted to the player at the start of the game.
  • Iron Pickaxe: Upgrade the makeshift pickaxe at the Anvil with:
    • 12x Wood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 3x Iron Shards
  • Hardened Steel Pickaxe: Upgrade the iron pickaxe at the Anvil with:
    • 20x Wood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 3x Hardened Steel
  • Titanium Pickaxe: Upgrade the hardened steel pickaxe at the Anvil with:
    • 15x Hardwood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 3x Titanium

Watering Cans

Each higher quality watering increases the amount of water that can be carried within it. The highest quality watering can is the Big Bucket.

Providing an example of the watering can tool class in Len's Island

The Big Bucket
  • Basic Watering Can: Purchased from Steph the Florist on the starting island with:
    • 10x Wood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 1x Iron Shards
  • Farmer’s Watering Can: Upgrade the basic watering can at the Anvil with:
    • 5x Machine Parts
    • 3x Hardened Steel
  • Big Bucket: Upgrade the farmer’s watering can at the Anvil with:
    • 25x Hardwood
    • 10x Machine Parts
    • 5x Hardened Steel
Providing an example of the scythe tool class in Len's Island

The Hardened Steel Scythe


Each higher quality scythe increases the range in which you can harvest crops with it. The highest quality scythe in the game is the Hardened Steel Scythe.

  • Iron Scythe: Purchased from Steph the Florist on the starting island for 100G. Keep in mind you must have purchased the basic watering can from Steph before this item becomes available in her shop
  • Hardened Steel Scythe: Upgrade the iron scythe at the Anvil with:
    • 30x Wood
    • 5x Fiber
    • 2x Hardened Steel
Providing an example of the fishing pole tool class in Len's Island

The Wooden Fishing Pole

Fishing Rods

The only fishing rod in the game is the Wooden Fishing Pole


Each higher quality torch increases the area in which the torch lights up and boosts its resistance to being squashed by the void. There are 3 tiers of torches with the highest quality of torch being the Lightstone Torch.

Providing an example of the torch tool class in Len's Island

The Lightstone Torch
  • Adventurer’s Torch: Purchased from Alex the tailor on the starting island for 10G.
  • Cresset Torch: Upgrade the adventurer’s torch at the Anvil with:
    • 15x Fiber
    • 10x Hardwood
    • 35x Coal
    • 1x Hardened Steel
  • Lightstone Torch: Upgrade the cresset torch at the Anvil with:
    • 3x Titanium
    • 3x Oil
    • 1x Lightstone
Providing an example of the backpack lamp tool class in Len's Island

The Bakpack Lamp

Backpack Lamps

There is only one Backpack lamp in the game.

Thank you for Reading

Thank you for reading Len’s Island – Your Essential Tool Guide! Please let me know your feedback in the comments. If I have missed any tools please let me know. I am planning on making more Len’s Island content in the future so stay tuned for that!