Len's Island Cursed Underworld

The Len’s Island Cursed Underworld update on September 10th drastically overhauled the game and introduced brand new content such as armor, cursed dungeons and most enticing weapon and tool enchanting! The Len’s Island Enchant Guide will show you how to obtain all the enchantments, apply them to your tools and weapons and recommend you my best and favorite enchantments to use.

If you prefer video check out How to Enchant like a Pro on Len’s Island here on YouTube:

How to Enchant like a Pro On Len’s Island

Complete Rune List

The Cursed Underworld update introduced a total of 12 unique runes that when combined with an Enchanting Table can apply massive buffs to your weapons and tools.

RuneRune Description
LifestealHeals the player based on a percentage of damage dealt
AbundanceIncreases the amount of resources gathered
IlluminateEnchants your weapon or tool to emit light when equipped
IgniteIgnites targets, dealing damage over time and spreading to nearby entities and players
DetonateTargets explode upon death in a fiery boom
ElectricCreates an electric chain that bounces between nearby enemies, spreading electric damage
HolographicExpands out a holographic shell with every swing, increasing the size and reach of the weapon
SwiftnessIncreases weapon attack speed at the cost of base damage
WeightedIncreases weapon damage at the expense of attack speed
Precision10% chance to proc a mega crit that doubles critical hit damage
CleaveDoubles base damage every 5 hits
FleetingSignificantly reduces all weapon abilities’ cooldown

Rune Locations For Enchanting

Purchased from the Druid ‘Floyd-Radyr’ on the Black Forest Island

  • Lifesteal for 400G
  • Abundance for 300G
  • Illuminate for 150G

Purchased from Centaine the Sorcerer on the Desert Island

  • Ignite for 500G
  • Detonate for 350G
  • Electric for 500G

Owned by default after building the Enchanting Table

  • Holographic
  • Swiftness
  • Weighted
  • Precision
  • Cleave
  • Fleeting
Len's Island level 3 workbench to enable the enchantment table

Enchanting Table Guide

You won’t be able to enchant any of your weapons or tools until you have first build the Enchanting Table. First, level your workbench to level 3.

Second, build the enchanting table with the following resources:

  • 25x Fiber
  • 75x Stone
  • 5x Hardened Steel
  • 10x Sapphire
  • 1x Lightstone
Recipe for crafting the enchantment table

Applying Runs to Tools & Weapons

With the enchantment table in place you are now ready to enchant your weapons and tools.

Select the enchantment table and drag the weapon or tool you wish to enchant into the first bubble. Second, select the rune’s power which you want to apply to your tool from the rune list in the right hand side window and place the rune in the middle bubble. Lastly, hold down the enchant button. Voila – you have enchanted your tool with the power of that rune.

Don’t like the enchantment? No worries, simple disenchant the weapon or tool at no cost and apply a new enchantment. That said, you will need to pay additional lightstone to re-enchant your tool.

That’s It!

Len’s Island is waiting. Take your new found power and head out into the world to slay monsters and farm resources. Above all, enjoy and check back in here for me Len’s Island content!