After 40+ hours of playing Len’s Island since the Cursed Underworld Update I have compiled my top 10 tips & secrets you might have missed in your playthrough. These tips will range from the obvious to the life altering depending on the hours you’ve played and the progress you’ve made in the game. I do hope you can take at least one of these away and learn something to enhance your gameplay of this great game!

Below are the Len’s Island top 10 tips & secrets I will cover today:

If you prefer video format to text, check out my Len’s Island Top 10 Tips Youtube video below:

Passive Healing

If you’re anything like me, it wasn’t clear to me how to heal when initially damaged in the early stages of the came. When food was scarce in the beginning of the game I found myself saving food before eating it solely to prevent myself from taking damage before my hunger dropped to zero. As a result, when I would take damage I would never be able to heal unless I slept.

As it turns out if your hunger bar is full you receive passive healing every few seconds. If you’re in combat I recommend you bring food with you so that you can keep yourself full at all time!

Secret Lightstone Locations

Lightstone is the most rare and difficult to ore to mine in Len’s Island. The reason for this is because this resource is going to become critical for enchanting your weapons and tools which grants them significantly more power. You NEED to find lightstone.

Lightstone can only be mined in the caves and typically it only spawns around the perimeter of the map. Unfortunately the caves are now randomly generated and I can’t show you exactly where to go to mine lightstone but I can show you where they spawned for me to give you an idea as to where to look.

Keep in mind you need to first have a titanium pickaxe before you can mine lightstone successfully.

Pickaxes Represent Lighstone Locations

Retrieve Bag Tips

If you have had the unfortunate luck of dying in Len’s Island you know that when you die you drop all of your inventory in your backpack on the ground. For me, this happened while fighting the Void Boar and it was very difficult to retrieve. To provide some relief you can speak with an NPC and the NPC will offer to retrieve the bag for a small fee. One example is Alex, who for a small fee will retrieve the bag for you.

Harvest Crops Tips

This was a ‘duhhh’ moment for me so you might want to roll on past this tip but, as it turns out you can use the scythe to harvest your crops much more easily. I completed missed this spent far too much time clicking on each crop and harvesting them individually.

Don’t make the same mistake as me.

Crafting Recipe Tabs

As I upgraded my workbench and built new equipment for my home I starting noticing all these new items I could craft. Potions, food recipes, etc. However, I found myself completely lost as to what ingredients I needed to craft these items. For instance, I wanted to cook the Mango Trout recipe in the Fireplace and I found myself guessing at the ingredients and ultimately giving up.

I realized later that all of the equipment in your home has a recipe page on the right side of the crafting interface. If you open that tab the equipment gives you the complete list of recipes!

Save yourself some trial and error and check out the recipe tabs.

Fireplace Recipes Tab

Building in Caves

I embarrassingly got stuck in a cave for a solid 30 minutes. As I was traversing the caves I jumped down onto a lower face in the caves and shortly realized this was a dead end. I was dumbfound as I couldn’t get back up to where I jumped from. I spent 30 minutes trying to jump, I used the ‘stuck’ mechanic to get out which worked… but then I couldn’t get my bag back which had an hour’s worth of mined materials. (At this point I didn’t know you could pay an NPC to retrieve a bag).

FINALLY I had an epiphany and realized I could build a stair to get out of the hole I was in. Don’t make the mistake I made and pleasssse use your ability to build in the caves.

Crafting Styles Tips

Anything you build in your home can be built with one of four different styles. Sometimes those styles require different material. For instance, maybe you’re short on wood. Alternatively you could build your equipment with stone rather than wood. The four styles of building are as follows:

Len's Island - Crafting Styles

Wood Building
Stone Building
Ornate Building
Pagoda Building
  • Wood Building
  • Stone Building
  • Ornate Building
  • Pagoda Building

This really comes in handy when maybe you don’t have enough wood on hand you can rather build your equipment with stone or hardwood. Plus, cosmetically the equipment looks vastly different based on the material you pick. Dive in and personalize the look and feel of your home by using different materials.

Farming in Caves Tips

If you’re like me and need mushrooms for food recipes or to purchase the druid’s gear set, I spent a ton of my time randomly jumping around in the caves looking for mushrooms. I didn’t realize you can setup farms in the caves!

The only food item you can grow in the caves are mushrooms. This is important because you can’t grow them above ground.

Start your mushroom garden in the caves now to save you a ton of time.

Mining Quarry

If you haven’t found the mining quarry yet I encourage you to seek it out. Its located in the dungeons in a random location but it is always in a sandy biome.

The mining quarry can be used to get you all kinds of different resources from the caves. All you need to do is feed it oil, go about your business for a few minutes or longer and return to get a ton of resources. Essentially what the quarry does is uses the oil to mine for you. You can get the following items from the quarry:

  • Stone
  • Coal
  • Titanium
  • Limestone
  • Iron Shards
  • Lightstone

I like using the quarry as it lets you automate mining and opens you up to focus on other things

Len's Island Mining Quarry
Len's Island Wrecked Gear Set

Secret Gear Set

There is one secret gear set in the game that can’t be purchased or obtained through general progress of the mains story. Rather, the 4 pieces of the Wrecked Gear set are scattered across the archipelago that you must seek out and find. Each piece of this gear provides you with 5% increased sailing speed which is super handy when exploring.

Check out my full armor guide on how exactly to find each piece of the Wrecked Gear Set.

Thank You For Reading

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