Len's Island Get Rich Guide

Len’s Island progression is tied to your ability to make and spend gold in many ways. In due time this guide will show you How to Get Rich Quick in Len’s Island. I will share with you why you need gold and how you’re going to make it to accelerate your progress.

If you prefer video, check down my full guide on YouTube:

Why Do You Need Gold?

Len’s Island has several ways to progress your game through spending gold. In all you will need a grand total of 7230 gold to purchase every purchasable item and upgrade outlined in this article.

Backpack Upgrades

Firstly, as you spend your gold in Len’s Island prioritize upgrading your backpack at Alex the Tailor on the starting island. The backpack upgrades increase your carrying capacity and will only accelerate your game progress through reducing return trips home when adventuring.

Upgrading the backpack to its final form it will cost you a total of 1950 gold:

Tan – Traveler’sN/A – Starting backpack50
Red – Adventurer’s60G
3x Leather
Blue – Pioneer’s250G
5x Leather
Brown – Collectors600G
6x Leather
Purple – Sorcerer’s Voidpack1000G
10x Leather
200x Dark Essence
30x Lightstone Dust
15x Sapphire
All Backpacks


Secondly, once you’ve fully upgraded your backpack I would advise you to next purchase the runes available to you from NPCs across the map. Moreover, these runes will allow you to enhance your tools to increase your harvest and weapons to assist you in combat.

To acquire all of the runes it will cost you a total of 2200 gold.

RuneCostHow to Obtain
Lifesteal400GPurchase from Floyd-Radyr on the Black Forest Island
Abundance300GPurchase from Floyd-Radyr on the Black Forest Island
Illuminate150GPurchase from Floyd-Radyr on the Black Forest Island
Ignite500GPurchase from Centaine the Sorcerer on the Desert Island
Detonate350GPurchase from Centaine the Sorcerer on the Desert Island
Electric500GPurchase from Centaine the Sorcerer on the Desert Island
HolographicN/ACreate the enchanting table
SwiftnessN/ACreate the enchanting table
WeightedN/ACreate the enchanting table
PrecisionN/ACreate the enchanting table
CleaveN/ACreate the enchanting table
FleatingN/ACreate the enchanting table
All Runes


Thirdly, after fully upgrading your backpack and purchasing each rune, you’re now free to purchase the cosmetic items Len’s Island has available. Purchase blueprints from NPCs for cosmetic items to give your house a makeover.

This is the true benefit of the Len’s Island Get Rich Quick guide – spending lavishly on your home. However, purchasing all the available blueprints in the game will set you back 3080 gold.

Town Upgrades?

Finally as a bonus, gold will be important for paying to upgrade your towns in Len’s Island following the Harvest Moon Update coming November 22, 2023.

Len's Island Harvest Moon Update

If you’re a Len’s Island veteran you’ll remember that prior to the Cursed Underworld update you could upgrade your town. This was removed in the latest update but is making a comeback.

If you want to prepare for the update, you should start saving up your gold now!

Get Rich Quick Strategies

Now that you know where you’ll be spending your gold. How are you going to make it?

Don’t sweat it! I’ve broken down 3 get rich strategies you can implement to take your game to the next level:

Early Strategy

In the early game your best money making strategy is to sell resources you gather as you travel across the archipelago and caves. The resources are purchased or sold at different NPCs across the map.

I summarized all of the raw resources that can be bought, sold, their unit prices and finally the ratio of buy price to sale price. The lower this ratio the better back for your buck you receive to sell that item. For that reason, the best two resources to sell would be wood and sapphires.

ItemSale QuantityBuy CostSell CostUnit Buy PriceUnit Sale PriceRatio
Machine Parts1030530.56
Salvaged Metal515230.47.5
Raw Resources

However, the one caveat I would mention and that you should keep in mind is that for every resource you sell, you’re not using it to build or expand your home. Unfortunately, wood is important for base building and may be better used for that purpose. Therefore, I would recommend gathering and selling sapphires as the number 1 strategy to use in the early game.

You will obtain sapphires through mining clay and can also be refined at the forge. Sell them to Lucky Jack on the starting island to start your get rich journey.

Mid Game Strategy

As you progress the game you’ll eventually acquire the resources to purchase the fishing rod and subsequently the fishing hat and vest to enhance your fishing. Catching and selling fish is a great way to make gold as you progress to the mid-game.

Below is a breakdown of each fish in Len’s Island and their sell value in Kevin the fisherman‘s shop.

FishSell Value
Rainbow Trout10G
Angler Fish25G
All Fish

As you can see, there is a pretty clear winner here with the Angler Fish selling for a whopping 25 gold. In addition to its sale price, unlike the swordfish, an added benefit is that the angler fish is not used in advanced cooking recipes. In conclusion, I would recommend catching and selling angler fish as the number 1 strategy to use in the midgame.

Keep in mind that angler fish are only found in the caves. Keep an eye out for rivers in the caves like shown below:

Len's Island Angler Fish Fishing

End Game Strategy

Finally in the late game you will unlock the guide to truly get rich quick in Len’s Island through farming. At this advanced stage you would have gathered an abundance of flower and crop seeds. You’ll now be able to plant, grow, harvest and sell for big money. Furthermore, you can maximize your harvest potential by ensuring you have the farming gear and have automated your farm.

Len's Island Farming

I summarized all of the crops that can be bought, sold, their unit prices and finally the ratio of buy price to sale price. Similar to that of the early strategy, the lower this ratio the better back for your buck your receive to sell that item. For that reason, the best two best crops to sell are wheat and a three way tie between the marigold, rose, and lavender flowers.

ItemSale QuantityBuy CostSell CostUnit Buy PriceUnit Sell PriceRatio
All Crops

However we must always keep in mind the other use cases for these items. For instance, wheat is used in creating valuable food recipes and rose is used in creating potions. For this reason, I would recommend growing and selling either marigold or lavender flowers as the number 1 strategy to use in the late game.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, there are three major methods for earning gold in Len’s Island.

Money Making MechanismRecommendation
Raw ResourcesMine, Refine, and Sell Sapphires
FishingCatch and Sell Angler Fish
FarmingGrow and sell marigold or rose flowers

Thank you for reading my Guide on How to Get Rich Quick in Len’s Island. Please let me know your feedback in the comments!