Valheim Max Comfort Bedroom

Understanding and maximizing the Rested Effect through comfort in Valheim is the simplest but most impactful way to level up your playthrough. It is the most overlooked gameplay and quality of life enhancement in Valheim. In the Rested Effect Comfort Guide in Valheim I will walk you through the benefits of the rested effect, how to obtain it, and maximize its duration through comfort.

How to Receive Rested Effect

Apply the Resting Effect by sitting by a fire with no hostile creatures nearby. Unfortunately, the Resting Effect won’t be applied if you are wet or burning.

Valheim - Rested Effect Icon

While resting by the fire you will see the Resting Effect tag in the top right corner of your screen. The comfort value corresponding to the level of furniture you have around you will be displayed at its base. This symbol symbolizes the charging of the rested effect buff that the player will receive after 20 uninterrupted seconds.

In the process of charging your resting bonus you receive the following buffs:

  • Health Regeneration +200%
  • Stamina Regeneration + 300%

Benefits of Rested Effect

Valheim - Rested Effect Icon

Once 20 uninterrupted seconds have passed with the resting effect , you will receive the Rested Effect. This will persist after leaving your safe location by the fire. The Rested Bonus is represented by this symbol and it will display the duration of the effect.

  • Health Regeneration +50%
  • Stamina Regeneration +100%
  • XP Gain + 50%
  • Eitr Regeneration +100%

The maximum duration value you can receive (without seasonal furniture items) is 23 minutes. 7 minutes greater than the maximum comfort value of 16.

16 + 7 = 23 minutes.

The buff duration will countdown as you step away from the safety of your fire.

Maximize Rested Bonus Through Comfort Guide

You can extend the duration of the Rested Effect bonus received when resting by increasing your comfort level when resting.

Comfort Guide

Increase your comfort by surrounding your sheltered fire with specific furniture items. Take note that only items within 10 meters of your position can contribute to your comfort.

Valheim Max Comfort Bedroom

The complete list of comfort enhancing furniture can be found below. However, there are a few points you should understand first to assist in interpreting the table:

  • Furniture pieces in each category do not stack. The item near your fire with the highest comfort level per furniture category will take precedence.
    • ie: If you have the Table & Long Heavy table near your fire. The total comfort contribution for the table category will be 2 not 3.
  • Two item groups are not always available as they are seasonal items. Build these during the midsummer season (Maypole) and the Christmas season (Yule Tree)

Comfort Furniture Items

Comfort Funiture

Maximum Comfort

The maximum comfort level you can achieve is 16 resulting in a rested bonus of 23 minutes without the season bonus

  • Any 1 Rug
  • Round or Heavy Long Table
  • Any 1 Banner
  • Hearth
  • Raven, Stone, or Black Marble Throne
  • Dragon Bed
  • Armor Stand

And a maximum comfort level of 18 resulting in a rested bonus of 25 minutes by adding the seasonal items to those listed above:

  • Maypole
  • Yule Tree

Thank You For Reading

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